Friday, June 3, 2011

Holly Hood

I was going to do this as part of one big hat post, but I love this hood so hard I just had to feature it! (Cleeck the Peechewers! Cleeck them! Make them BIIG!!!)

Exterior is dark green wool with a bit of a whitish haze to it. Light weight, 2/2 twill.

Lined in bright red coarse weave silk! Heavy weight, tabby.

No weird long liripipe, thank you very much! We're VIKINGS!!! ;)

It's reversible too!

You know, for sudden wolf-hunting emergencies!

Red wool herringbone (my favourite!) stitching around the bottom and front opening of the shoulder skirt.

And Sutton Hoo/variant of the Vandyke stitch to stitch down the burgundy silk edging on the hood (the wool is a touch itchy on bare skin and I'm a RICH viking, dammit! :)

Byzantine Doll

Another medieval rag doll! Byzantine fashion, inspired by this artifact

Not adding it to the largesse list yet. May actually *keep* it for my own toy-demo box! If I do give it away, there will be a new dress for it though. That's real tapestry sewn on the front!